
What is Shiva Drawing Art?

by Annie Saxena on Feb 28, 2023

What is Shiva Drawing Art?

One of the main Hindu gods, Shiva, is worshipped in some Hindu traditions as the Ultimate Being. He is frequently shown as a yogi, with matted hair, a third eye, and a brow tuck. Many signs and characteristics, such as the trident, the crescent moon, and the serpent, are connected to Shiva.

Shiva is regarded as the universe's transformer and the slayer of evil in Hindu mythology. He is frequently portrayed as a powerful warrior who fights demons and defends the universe. Shiva is sometimes seen in a more serene and meditative form and is also connected to fertility and creation.

What is Shiva Drawing Art?

Shiva is a well-liked topic in Indian art, and there are numerous methods to depict this Hindu deity on paper. Here is a basic procedure you could use to draw a Shiva:

Create a sketch first: Start by drawing Shiva's figure's basic silhouette. You may sketch from memory or your imagination, or you could utilise a reference image.

Specify further: Start adding features to your drawing once the basic shape is in place. Shiva is frequently seen with matted hair, a third eye in the middle of his forehead, and different decorations and accoutrements, like a trident, serpent, or crescent moon.

Pay great attention to the details of the eyes, mouth, and other facial features because the face is frequently the most significant and expressive component of a Shiva picture. As a god of meditation and enlightenment, Shiva is frequently shown as having a calm or thoughtful look.

Think about the background: You could wish to include a background or other elements in your composition depending on the style and context of your work. You might incorporate trees, mountains, or other natural landscape elements because Shiva is frequently connected with the natural world.

Use your favourite media, such as pencils, markers, or paint, to add colour to your Shiva drawing. Shiva is frequently portrayed with decorations in red or gold and wearing blue or white garments.

Don't worry if your first drawing of Shiva isn't precisely what you had in mind; drawing is a skill that requires time and effort to master. Continue honing your skills and experimenting with various approaches until you discover your own special way of approaching this enduring icon of Indian art.

What is the Symbolism of Shiva?

The Hindu god Shiva is frequently linked to the ideas of creation, preservation, and destruction. Shiva is one of the ultimate gods in Hindu mythology, and he has a rich and intricate symbolism. Below are a few of the Shiva symbols that are used most frequently:

Shiva frequently has a third eye on his brow, signifying his capacity to look past the material world and into the spiritual realm.

Shiva is linked to the crescent moon, which stands for the cycle of time and the passage of the days and months.

The kundalini energy, which is coil at the base of the spine, is symbolised by a snake in Hindu mythology. Shiva is frequently seen wearing a snake around his neck to represent his control over this strong energy.

The trishula, often known as the trident, is a three-pronged weapon frequently connected to Shiva. The three states of consciousness—waking, dreaming, and deep sleep—are symbolised by the trishula.

Shiva is frequently shown clutching a drum, which represents the universe's beat and the creation's pulse.

The Ashes: Shiva is occasionally portrayed as being covered in ashes, which stand for the transience of worldly existence as well as the certainty of death and rebirth.

The lingam is a phallic emblem that symbolises Shiva's creative power. It is frequently worshipped as a representation of creation and fertility.

Ultimately, Shiva's symbolism highlights the universe's cyclical nature and the value of both creation and destruction in the cycle of life.

Which Pencil is Best for Shiva Drawing Art?

Your own preferences and the level of detail you want to accomplish in your drawing of Shiva will influence the pencil you use. Here are some broad principles to follow while selecting a pencil:

Pencils are available in a range of hardnesses, from 9H (the hardest) to 9B. (softest). While softer pencils (B grades) are better for shading and producing darker values, harder pencils (H grades) are better for drawing and producing fine lines.

Lead Quality: The lead's quality might also impact how your drawing appears in general. Better quality leads typically provide sharper, smoother lines and shading.

Brand: As different pencil brands have distinct characteristics, it's worthwhile to try out various brands to see which one works best for you. For art pencils, some well-known manufacturers are Faber-Castell, Prismacolor, and Derwent.

Paper: The kind of paper you use might have an impact on how your artwork looks. Choose a fine paper that is smooth and resistant to smudging.

A 2B or 4B grade pencil, for example, is a good option in general for sketching a realistic and subtle Shiva. To identify the ones that are most effective for your particular style and objectives, it is still worthwhile to experiment with various pencils and techniques.

Who can Start Making Shiva Drawing Art?

Shiva drawings can be made by anyone with an interest in Shiva and a drive to produce art! To begin, you don't need any prior expertise or formal instruction in the arts. Here are some pointers to get you started:

Examine the iconography of Shiva: It's beneficial to familiarise yourself with the various Shiva symbols and characteristics before you start sketching. This might assist you in choosing the components you wish to use in your artwork and in comprehending the significance of the god.

Choose Your Media: Shiva drawing art can be produced using a wide range of materials, such as pencils, markers, pens, paint, and computer tools. Try out various media to see which ones suit you the best.

Practice Sketching: It's beneficial to practise sketching various aspects of Shiva's iconography before starting a finished artwork. This can make it simpler for you to incorporate the various symbols into your finished artwork by giving you a sense of their sizes and dimensions.

Try Several Styles: Shiva drawing art can be created in a variety of forms, including realistic, stylized, and abstract. Try out various approaches to determine which one best complements your abilities and vision.

Continue to Practice: As with any ability, practising will help you become a better Shiva artist. Don't be frightened to try new things or to fail. Your abilities will grow and your artwork will get better the more you practise.

Can you Make Shiva Drawing Art with Color?

Absolutely, you can use colour to make a Shiva drawing artistic! In fact, including colour into your drawings of Shiva helps highlight the elaborate elements and symbolism of the deity's iconography.

Here are some pointers for incorporating colour into Shiva drawings:

Choose Your Medium: You can use a variety of materials, such as coloured pencils, markers, watercolours, acrylic paint, and computer tools, to add colour to your Shiva drawings.

Choose a colour palette: You can select a colour scheme that works for your vision based on the style and mood you wish to project. For instance, you may choose heated hues like red and orange to allude to Shiva's fiery character or cold hues like blue and green to suggest a more mellow atmosphere.

Research Shiva's Iconography: Before you start colouring your picture, spend some time learning about the various symbols and characteristics that relate to Shiva. This might aid in your decision regarding the colours to employ and their placement.

Work in layers when colouring your Shiva drawing: Working in layers is frequently helpful. Build increase the intensity and intricacy one layer at a time, starting with a light base colour.

Use Different Textures: Applying different textures to your Shiva drawings might assist the iconography of the deity come to life. To produce intriguing textures and patterns, try out various techniques like crosshatching and stippling.

Always keep in mind that creating Shiva drawings with colour is a journey of exploration. Do new things without hesitation and follow your imagination where it leads you!

What are the Themes Used in Shiva Drawing Art?

Depending on the artist's vision and preferred aesthetic, shiva drawings can feature a range of themes. The following are some recurring themes in Shiva-inspired art:

Shiva is a god with a voluminous mythology, and numerous Shiva drawings feature scenes from his myths and legends. Illustrations of his conflicts with demons, his interactions with other gods, and his part in the universe's creation and maintenance can all fall under this category.

Shiva is connected to a variety of signs and omens, including the third eye, the crescent moon, and the trident. These symbols may be the main subject of Shiva painting art, which uses them to convey a variety of ideas and feelings.

Drawings of Shiva are frequently produced as works of art to show devotion to the deity. There may be traditional Hindu symbolism and rituals depicted in these works of art, such as the burning of incense and flower garlands.

Enlightenment and spirituality: Shiva is frequently linked to these concepts, and many Shiva drawings are created with this in mind. Images that inspire a sense of inner calm and stillness can be used, such as representations of Shiva in contemplative positions.

Traditional themes are often combined with modern ideas and interpretations in contemporary Shiva drawing artwork. This may examine issues like social justice and environmentalism and involve a range of artistic mediums, including street art and computer art.

These are only a handful of the numerous subjects that can be shown in Shiva drawings. Themes are ultimately determined by the creative vision of the artist and the intended message or emotion that they want to express.

Is Shiva Drawing Art Difficult?

Your level of experience and talent will determine how challenging it is to draw a Shiva. You could initially find it difficult if you've never drawn before or if you've had little practise with the techniques employed in Shiva drawing art. Yet, with time and effort, you can hone your abilities and produce increasingly elaborate and comprehensive pieces of art.

Shiva art can be more difficult due to a number of circumstances, such as:

Shiva's Visual Language: It can be difficult to include all the symbols and characteristics that Shiva is linked to into your artwork. It's crucial to research and comprehend Shiva's iconography before you start drawing in order to faithfully capture these components in your artwork.

Drawing the human figure, including Shiva's body, can be difficult because of its proportions and anatomy. To authentically show Shiva's body and stance, one must have a thorough understanding of human anatomy and proportions.

Textures & Details: Shiva drawings often have a wealth of fine details, such as designs on jewels, clothing, and hair. It can be difficult to include these things, so you need to be careful and pay attention to every little thing.

Composition and Style: If you are new to drawing, it can be difficult to come up with an interesting composition and distinctive style. Trying out various approaches and methods might aid in the development of your own distinctive artistic voice.

Ultimately, drawing Shiva might be difficult, but it can also be rewarding. You may hone your talents and produce stunning and impactful artwork with perseverance.


In Hinduism, Shiva is revered frequently, and there are several temples and shrines devoted to him throughout India and other countries. In order to respect the deity, worshippers can offer flowers, incense, and other offerings. Shiva has gained prominence in popular culture as well, with his imagery and symbolism appearing in a range of forms of art, music, and media including movies.

Drawings of the Hindu deity Shiva are the main subject of Shiva drawing art. Many media, such as pencil or charcoal sketches, ink drawings, or computer art, can be used for this. Shiva symbolism, including the trident, the crescent moon, and the snake, is frequently used into Shiva drawing artwork. Shiva's posture and body language can convey a variety of emotions and meanings depending on the situation, thus artists may also concentrate on depicting those.

